Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Speec Act Assertive Utterance

            Every utterance is made in particular place, at a particular time and it is usually addressed
in some other persons (the listener). The speaker and the listener are of a crucial centre because both of them have multiple roles in utterance. Assertive utterance is speakers and writers use language to tell what they know or believe; assertive language is concerned with facts. this language concerned with knowladge, with cognition. It deals with data, what exist or existed, what is happening or has happened or not. So assertive utterances are either true or false, and generally they can be verified or falsified not necessarily at the time of the utterance or by those who hear them, but a general sensw they are subject to empirical investigation.  The readers ‘ forum is one of column which contains some opinions and comments and it covers many are up to date issues. Readers’ forum also includes some oppinions and comments with is various forms of people’s opinion from every perspective of life such as social and political perspective. 


In the first post, I want to say Thank's to Qori Rialita,,,,, udah mau ngajarin.....